Social Media Guidelines To Follow After A Motorcycle Accident Injury

If you've been in a motorcycle accident, you may be trying to resume your normal life as much as possible. That may include posting on various social media websites and apps. However, it's important to be careful with what you post. 

Posting on the internet has been misunderstood since it began, but perhaps the most misunderstood aspect is that even "private" posts may not be private. That's true no matter how carefully you set your security settings. In fact, the National Law Review reported on a case where the New York Court of Appeals ruled to sometimes allow private posts in discovery.

The verdict is in. What you post can even be used against you in court after an injury. Consider these guidelines to protect yourself when posting to social media after you've been injured in a motorcycle accident.

Keep Your Photos in an Offline Picture Album

Don't post photos after you're injured. That should be a blanket rule to follow. Instead, take photos and keep them in a private album or simply save them on your phone or camera. Store them offline and leave them out of all your social media posts. If you want to share them with family members, send them an email or show them prints in person.

Although it may seem harmless to post a photo of a happy event, that sort of thing can be used against you. There's no way for someone who stumbles across your post to know what all went into taking a certain photo. A picture can make you look like you're living it up with no injuries.

Don't "Check In" Anywhere You Go

Many social media sites like Facebook allow you to "check-in" everywhere you go. Make sure that this function is disabled on your social media accounts. Avoid checking in anywhere you go. The "check-in" function typically doesn't allow you to explain why you are at a certain locale, and you shouldn't have to explain yourself. It's better to avoid the situation altogether.

If you want to track how often you go to a certain restaurant or bar, try tracking it offline in a diary or bullet journal. You may be surprised at how many alternative solutions there are to things that used to be done online.

Save the Venting for Private Talks with Friends

Everyone needs to vent sometimes. If you feel angry and frustrated after being injured, that's only natural, but don't look for support through social media. Posting anything about the accident on social media cannot help your case. If you need to vent frequently while dealing with the aftermath of the injury, ask a friend to be available to you as you cope with the situation. 

Finally, when in doubt, don't post. When it comes to social media, it's better to regret what you don't do. If you have any questions about your behavior online or offline after you've been injured, speak to your motorcycle accident attorney to ensure your best interests are protected. 
