Prove Your Innocence And Receive Monetary Damages After A Motorcycle Accident

If a sports utility vehicle ran into you while you were riding on your new motorcycle and you broke your leg and the bike was severely damaged as a result, the following tips will assist with proving your innocence and receiving monetary damages for the accident.

Contact Your Insurance Provider, Law Enforcement, And An Attorney

Contact your insurance provider at your earliest convenience, especially if the other driver did not stop after the accident and was spotted driving away in a rushed manner. A clear description of the perpetrator's vehicle, including any signage that was on it or personalized plates, will assist with locating the offender. Make a police report of the matter and provide concise details, concerning how fast you were driving and the time of day that the incident occurred.

After being treated for your broken leg, take the time to contact a motorcycle accident attorney who practices in your home town. If you are in too much pain to attend a meeting at your lawyer's office, request that they visit you at your home or hospital room. Write a list of questions pertaining to your case to present to the attorney during the meeting.

Provide as much information as you can concerning the traffic accident and update your lawyer regularly if you think of additional information that will help prove your innocence and ensure that the guilty party is charged for the crime.

Seek Statements From Witnesses

If people stopped to check on your condition after the accident, collect information from them, concerning their names and contact numbers and ask them if they would be willing to provide statements that can be presented during a court hearing. If you were disoriented after the fall and did not receive the opportunity to speak to passers-by, stop by local businesses that are within the vicinity of the accident and ask business owners if they have any recollection of the accident.

It may be a long shot, but there is still a chance that someone observed the accident and will be able to provide key details during a court hearing that will help prove your innocence and ensure that you receive the monetary damages that you deserve. 

Obtain Footage And Reenact The Incident

If there are any cameras set up near where the accident occurred, your attorney may be able to obtain footage from the date in question. Footage that clearly shows that the other driver was at fault will help clear your name and will assist with identifying the driver who was at fault. 

Your lawyer may wish to reenact the incident by using props to show how the impact from the other driver caused your bike to fall at a particular angle. The damage parts of the motorcycle may be covered with flecks of paint from the other vehicle and skid marks that are on the ground may indicate that the other driver was speeding or handling their vehicle in a reckless manner. 
