3 Pieces Of Information To Know Before You Fill Out Your SSD Application

One of the hardest parts of becoming disabled far before time for you to actually retire is the fact that you will have to jump through hoops and over hurdles to get the Social Security Disability (SSD) payments you need. This whole fiasco will start right from the time you apply, with loads of paperwork with a ton of questions that need to answered in the right way. It is always best to go ahead and get advice from an SSD attorney before you apply, but just having all of the information you need in advance will help you get through the application quickly. Make sure you have these three pieces of information on hand when you fill out your SSD application. 

Doctors Names and Contact Information - The doctors that you rely on for care will play a huge role in your SSD case. These medical professionals will be sought for answers during the case and they will be asked to provide supporting documentation and medical treatment reports. Make sure you have a list of all the treating physicians, psychologists, and other medical professionals who are treating you and their contact information before filling out your paperwork. 

Full Medical Condition and History - There will be a lot of questions on your SSD application about your current medical condition and your history of medical problems or illnesses. Therefore, it is a good idea to make a list of this information before you begin just to be sure you don't leave anything out. Likewise, you may need to provide a list of any medications you are taking and for what reason you are taking it. 

List of Prior Employment Positions - When you are applying for SSD, the employment positions you have held in the past will be an important part of determining if you are disabled. The reviewer will look at this information to determine your skills and qualifications and if your current state would allow you to continue in these lines of work. Therefore, you will need to provide a list of prior employment positions and the related duties you were expected to perform on the job. 

Even though the SSD application process can seem daunting, a little advance preparation will help you sail through the paperwork and give the requested answers. Talk to an SSD attorney, like one from Waycaster & Allred, for more information about what you will need to initially apply for benefits.
